
here is a pic of coler taken today. as you can see his eye is still pretty red and irritated. he is still not opening it very much. the dr saw him briefly today and said that he thought cole was looking a little bit better. he wants cole to be seen in the opthamology clinic in the morning and if they can't get a good enough look they will do an exam under anesthesia tomorrow afternoon. during the exam they will determine weather he looks good enough to go home or if not they will give him another interocular injection of the antibiotics. so...if everything looks good we will be going home tomorrow or tuesday. If they have to give him another injection it will be a few more days. cole was in good spirits today and was awake alot more. he is using his left eye to see with and getting around pretty well so that is a blessing. we still have a long road ahead of us but so far so good. thanks for keeping us in your prayers.

Posted by Posted by summer phillips at 8:29 PM
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Unknown said...


Tell my sweet baby how much I love him! I'm praying for all of you and you are in my thoughts constantly.

Tell him when he gets thru this we are going on the biggest shopping spree yet!!!!!

Alison Chino said...

the kids and i are all praying for that little guy!

we send you our love!
