it is amazing how many times a day that i, or someone i am talking to, makes a reference to sight..."hmmmm, let's see" "look both ways" "hey, watch it" "wait and see" "have you seen my.." "watch where you're going" "how do i look?" when things like this stand out to me i write them [brent says i doodle them] in my journal. i love to look back and see [yes, another sight reference] what God has been preparing me for. and occasionally some sort of poem will emerge as well. i don't share my poems with many people and i certainly don't blog them cause they make me feel a bit too naked ....however, given the news we got in detroit today i think it would be okay to show you just a little :)
I'll see
everything is twisted
all out of my control
yesterday i’d have run away but
i couldn't see where to go
blurred with tears
my eyes are open
but it’s black like
when they’re closed
seeing is believing right?
You’ve said that’s not the way
I can not see but I do believe;
overcome my unbelief!
on the ground I’m facing down
praying for mud and spit
I hear Your breath I feel Your voice
and for your touch I’ll sit
the storm is overhead now
rain falls all around
I’m weak and I am dirty
but safe under Your shroud
we’re strongest in our weakness
that made no sense to me
until you took my vision
so that i could truly see
so as you know, cole had his exam with dr trese today and much to every one's surprise...the pressure in cole's right eye was 15!! the dr said that his cornea looked clear and the chamber was formed and appeared to be holding it's own. he said not get our hopes way up because cole's eye is still in pretty bad shape but things are looking better than he expected them to and it's a step in the right direction!! dr trese said there was still some blood in there that was disorganized meaning it could still clear on it's own. hopefully over the next six weeks that will clear on it's own, at that time we will be returning to detroit where cole will have a VEP test done which will tell us if cole has any viable retina and later that day, an exam under anesthesia and surgery if the VEP indicates there is viable retina. cole is really glad that his eye is still fighting, he seems genuinely happy and almost proud of himself which is a beautiful thing to see :)